Many people are affected by branch closures directly or indirectly…

Dave the butcher
Dave runs a small butcher shop where most of his customers pay in cash. Since the the last bank in his town closed, he now has to take two hours from his working day to travel to his nearest branch in the next town just to pay in the daily takings. Dave joins the 40% of SME’s finding it difficult or expensive to access bank depositing services.

Jonny works for Dave; he likes to use the digital app from his current bank; however, he’s been trying to take out a loan to buy his first car but is having difficulty arranging this with them. It’s also been challenging for him to open a regular savings account through his app and joins 3 out of 10 adults still without a savings account of any type.

Mary and Arthur
Mary & Arthur prefer to do their banking in person and value the advice and assistance in branch. Although they can use the app their current bank offers, they find it confusing and are worried about being scammed. They have £350k in savings but earn less than 1% in interest.

Henry & Beatrice
Henry and Beatrice are lawyers, but due to limited and troublesome access to a branch they haven’t switched their savings for some years, despite being aware their savings could be working harder for them. They join the 77% of people who haven’t switched their savings accounts for a better return.
If you’ve been adversely affected by the closure of your local high street bank branch, please get in touch, we’d love to hear your story!