
Revolutionising Retail Banking

Creating a groundbreaking "Total Banking" service platform that allows banks to have a sustainable physical presence on our High Streets.

Money Icon55 %

Prefer access to face to face banking

Calendar Icon5 million

Still use cash and non-digital payments every day

Infrastucture Icon75 %

of bank branches closed

Our Mission

To create a platform for digital, neo and lesser-known banks, as well as established banks and regional building societies to have a physical presence on UK High Streets, by creating an independent branch network that customers can access multiple banks from any one location, seamlessly bring digital and physical into one location

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The Problem

The mass shift to digital banking, has resulted in the number of bank branches reducing from 20,000, to just 5,000 today. According to Which, an average of 54 branches have closed their doors each month since 2015. Yet 55% of people would still elect to have access to physical banking facilities in their towns.

Closed down high street bank branch

The UK is now experiencing a mission critical access to banking crisis, that has been progressively deteriorating for several decades. We're experiencing financial exclusion like never before.

Many communities across the UK are now left with little or no access to the most basic of banking services. The average journey time to reach a branch is over 30 minutes.

This includes current and future access to cash, savings, loans, investments etc. and has left behind large segments of society, widening the gap of financial exclusion.

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Our Solution has brought a revolutionary shift in thinking to the banking industry, to transform and redefine the role of the branch in retail banking. Our solution offers a unique proposition that bridges the gap between the old and the new – that combine’s the accessibility and personal touch of local branches, with the efficiency of modern-day digital banking. Branch Branch
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Transform and revolutionise the role of the branch in retail banking

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A hybrid model evolving from the concept of shared branches

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Bringing together the innovation of the last 15 years' experience operating in the retail banking space

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A platform for digital, lesser-known banks and regional building societies to have a presence of UK high streets

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Delivering access to banking through simplicity, choice and trust.

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An independent branch network that can deal with multiple banks from one location

The Market

The UK savings and investments total addressable market is valued at over £2.3 trillion.

Our Model business model is a new and emerging 'Access as a Service' proposition.

Platform Architecture

Built out from a central core, the innovation of a new and unique user interface will allow access to multiple banks from any one location, supported by digital access.. App Mockup

A centralised core banking system is the foundation of


The Super App will be deployed and launched as part of the opening of the first ten branches facilitating a hybrid onboarding method never seen before..

Contact Us

Gives back the control to allow you to bank the way you want to bank, closing the gap of financial exclusion and bridging between old and new!
