Our Story

Our story centers around 'Dave the butcher', his clients and staff. Dave is a small business proudly serving his community but affected by the bank branch closures.

Meet Dave

Dave the Butcher

Dave runs a small butcher shop where most of his customers pay in cash.

Since the last bank in his town closed, he now has to take two hours from his working day to travel to his nearest branch in the next town just to pay in the daily takings.

Dave joins the 40% of SME’s finding it difficult or expensive to access bank depositing services.

Dave the Butcher Story
Meet Jonny


Jonny works for Dave, he likes to use the digital app from his current bank, however, he’s been trying to take out a loan to buy his first car but is having difficulty arranging this with them.

It’s also been challenging for him to open a regular savings account through his app and joins 3 out of 10 adults still without a savings account of any type.

Dave the Butcher Story
Meet Mary and Arthur

Mary and Arthur

Mary and Arthur prefer to do their banking in person and value the advice and assistance in branch.

Although they can use the app their current bank offers, they find it confusing and are worried about being scammed.

They have £350k in savings but earn less than 1% in interest.

Mary and Arthur
Meet Henry and Beatrice

Henry and Beatrice

Henry and Beatrice are lawyers, but due to limited and troublesome access to a branch they haven’t switched their savings for some years, despite being aware their savings could be working harder for them.

They join the 77% of people who haven’t switched their savings accounts for a better return.

Henry and Beatrice
Meet Our Branch Vision

Branch Vision

The BanxLocal branch stands prominently in the centre of town, reflecting the bustling streets, contributing to the now vibrant economy of the town.

Let’s step inside and explore:

1. Entrance and Branding:
• The automatic sliding doors part as customers enter. Above, the bank’s logo—banxlocal.uk—glows in its sleek, modern font. The letters are predominantly grey, with the “x” and “.uk” in vibrant orange.
• A digital display board welcomes visitors with dynamic messages: “Welcome to BanxLocal!” and “Your Financial Hub.”
2. Open Space and Seating Area:
• The interior is spacious and airy. Natural light is embraced, illuminating the polished floors.
• Comfortable seating areas invite customers to relax. Plush armchairs and low coffee tables create a cozy atmosphere.
• Potted plants add a touch of greenery, softening the edges of the contemporary design.
3. Service Desks and Staff:
• Behind a sleek counter, bank staff in professional attire assist customers. Their badges proudly display the MultiBANK™, MultiSERVICE™, and MultiACCESS™ logos.
• A friendly member of staff helps a customer with a transaction, while another staff member consults with a couple about mortgage options.
• The staff area is open-plan, fostering collaboration. Modern workstations with dual monitors lining the back wall.
4. Technology Integration:
• Smart ATMs stand against one wall, allowing customers to withdraw cash, deposit cheques, and even chat with virtual assistants.
• Digital screens display real-time stock market updates, financial news, and personalised offers.
• QR codes lead customers to the bank’s mobile app, where they can manage accounts seamlessly.
5. Private Consultation Rooms:
• Glass-enclosed meeting rooms offer privacy for financial consultations. Here, a qualified staff member discusses investment strategies with a client.
• The walls are adorned with abstract art, creating a harmonious blend of business and aesthetics.
6. Safety and Security:
• Surveillance cameras discreetly monitor every corner of the building.
• The vault room, accessible only to authorised personnel, houses rows of secure deposit boxes.
7. Community Board and Events:
• A community notice board displays upcoming financial literacy workshops, charity drives, and local events.
• The bank actively engages with the neighbourhood, hosting seminars on budgeting, retirement planning, and entrepreneurship.

Branch View
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Frequently asked questions

A solid foundation and infrastructure of 400 branches across the UK, allows for continued innovation to bring further products.

What is banxlocal.uk?
Open Accordion

banxlocal.uk brings a new service delivery layer to retail and SME banking. Offering a true hybrid, digital and physical, banking experience.

Which banks does banxlocal.uk work with?
Open Accordion

A range of challenger, digital and neo banks, as well as established financial institutions and building societies will be accessible through the banxlocal platform.

When are the branches opening?
Open Accordion

With the first five branches scheduled to open in January 2025, we then have a rapid scale up planned to deliver 400 branches in three years.

Where are branches to be located?
Open Accordion

With a prominent high street presence in each town we serve, we aim to have a broad coverage across England, Scotland and Wales within three years of launch.

Is banxlocal.uk a bank?
Open Accordion

No, however, with bank like systems and technology our platform affords the assurity you would expect from a bank. Banxlocal.uk will be regulated and authorised by the FCA (application pending)

Banxlocal.uk App

To create a platform for digital banks to have a physical presence on UK high streets, by creating an independent branch network that can work with multiple banks from any one location

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